The Value of Sharing on Social Media

If you imagine a world without social media websites (quite hard but think 1997) then the word ‘share’ would probably make you think of an everyday decision of whether to share your Twix or not. Sharing is truly about caring – handing something to someone else because you know they will appreciate it and get some value from it. This is why sharing plays such a large part of success on social media.

Good web design now focuses on integrating social media and usually facilitates the option to share a page or post, where possible. In most cases, the homepage is still the most popular page for visitors to land on first, as they will find it through Google or through finding your business on social media profiles. However, blogging is particularly effective for providing value to your audience with popular posts. These posts are often more likely to be shared by people on social media, as they can provide more value rather than reading snippets of information on the homepage. Therefore, some posts can become the main landing page for visitors to your site. They may read the article before clicking through to the homepage or services page.

When browsing social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook, you will often see promotional posts from businesses you follow and some even request that their particular post is shared. If you are a business to business company then it could be good practice to retweet, like or share other businesses’ posts, particularly if they are the type of company you would like to work with. On Twitter, you could create a private list of your target audience businesses or people and take time to share their posts, where appropriate.

Social media enables us to be social about all aspects of our life, whether it’s recommending a service to your friends, share someone’s charity appeal post or interacting with a popular topic, you are providing positive value and input. Whatever you choose to share, your audience appreciates your efforts and will respond and share your posts too.

Remember sharing is caring!


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