The Value of Sharing on Social Media

If you imagine a world without social media websites (quite hard but think 1997) then the word ‘share’ would probably make you think of an everyday decision of whether to share your Twix or not. Sharing is truly about caring – handing something to someone else because you know they will appreciate it and get […]
Social Media posting as part of a healthy lifestyle

These days we’re all aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. We can often over-indulge but the main advice is usually to have everything in moderation. This method can also be applied to social media posting. Often business owners want to tackle it head on, in the hope that it […]
How Can Market Research on Social Media Improve Your Business?

Market research plays a fundamental role in the success of a business, although it can be an expensive process. Social media, however, represents an extremely helpful and cost-effective tool that global businesses have started using in these last years to conduct practical and economically convenient research about their target markets and competitors. The majority of […]
Feed your audience with video marketing

Anyone can create video now and post online from the palm of our hands. All you need is a camera, a good internet connection and some way of editing your video either with software or through a website. You don’t need to be an expert, as long as the style and content of the video […]
iPad Intermediate Class starts in Edinburgh 11th April – 9th May

IPAD: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 5 WEEK COURSE IN EDINBURGH STARTING ON MON 11TH APRIL TO MON 9TH MAY 2016 10:45AM – 12:45PM Powered by Eventbrite This is following on from the beginners’ course but it is not essential to have already completed the beginners’ course. It will recap on the main functions of the iPad, but […]
Are you cut out for social media marketing?

The majority of people now use social media everyday with many dipping into it for personal use for an hour or more a day. The main social media platforms make it simple for us to sign up, update our profile and start making new connections but when it comes to managing business pages, there is […]
Do you spend more time online than watching TV?

There’s nothing more reassuring than seeing the Wi-Fi sign wherever you go, promising you access to basically everything you can think of these days. We know that if there’s Wi-Fi, we can connect our devices and wait for the notifications to start flooding through. By the way, here’s what that would look like if you […]
Smart Marketing in 2016

Happy New Year! Can you believe that a week has passed already? That means you should all be a week into your New Year’s Resolutions, only another 51 to go. One that should be on your list this year is to use a smart marketing strategy. 2015 was a busy year for Social Ant, developing […]
Top 6 Social Media Management Tools

It is needless to say that social media have conquered a big portion of our lives. They are not only an amazing way to instantly share our interest, activities and personal experiences with our friends from anywhere in the world, but they are also fantastic systems in terms of marketing. Nowadays there are countless businesses […]
Meerkat Vs Periscope: The New Apps on the Live Streaming Market

In case you haven’t noticed, there are two hot new live streaming apps, Meerkat and Periscope, which have bulldozed their way into the social media industry. They have already managed to rack up an impressive 12+ million users since their launch just a few months ago and are expanding content ideas every day. Meerkat and […]