Website basics and best practices – Global Entrepreneurship Week

website basics GEW

Social Ant is running a FREE online webinar in Global Entrepreneurship Week (a global celebration of entrepreneurship) on Monday 13th November at 1pm – Website basics and best practices. This will provide a useful introduction to getting started with website design and gathering an understanding of maximising your online presence when it comes to launch. […]

Digital Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism

digital marketing for hospitality tourism

Digital marketing for hospitality and tourism is crucial for businesses to survive, post pandemic. Covid 19 has sent shockwaves through the world of business and hospitality and tourism has and still is taking a massive hit. Times are turbulent with holidays and trips being booked then cancelled and customers having to go into quarantine and […]

How to adapt your business in Coronavirus uncertainty

There is no doubt that the unexpected Coronavirus outbreak has impacted people globally on a monumental scale and effectively put daily life on hold and businesses on the brink. From strict handwashing to elbow bumps, common cold paranoia and social distancing, COVID-19 has now moved to the next level in the UK and other countries […]

Crowdfunding 101: The Guide for Getting Started


What is Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding, most simply defined, is an alternative source of funding for SMEs (small to medium enterprises) and local community projects. Instead of securing funding through traditional methods, such as bank loans, it allows SMEs to secure funding through private individuals (“the crowd”). This means that companies that would otherwise be unable to […]

iPad Intermediate Class starts in Edinburgh 11th April – 9th May

ipad intermediate class

IPAD: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 5 WEEK COURSE IN EDINBURGH STARTING ON MON 11TH APRIL TO MON 9TH MAY 2016 10:45AM – 12:45PM Powered by Eventbrite This is following on from the beginners’ course but it is not essential to have already completed the beginners’ course. It will recap on the main functions of the iPad, but […]