Top 10 Things to Consider for a Digital Marketing Strategy

consider for a digital marketing strategy

1. What Are You Aiming to Achieve? Defining your goals is non-negotiable if you are hoping to have an even semi-decent strategy. Just think about trying to go grocery shopping, without knowing what you need, or applying for jobs without knowing what position you are aiming for. Sure, it’s possible but the result will most […]

Digital Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism

digital marketing for hospitality tourism

Digital marketing for hospitality and tourism is crucial for businesses to survive, post pandemic. Covid 19 has sent shockwaves through the world of business and hospitality and tourism has and still is taking a massive hit. Times are turbulent with holidays and trips being booked then cancelled and customers having to go into quarantine and […]

Social Media posting as part of a healthy lifestyle

social media posting

These days we’re all aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. We can often over-indulge but the main advice is usually to have everything in moderation. This method can also be applied to social media posting. Often business owners want to tackle it head on, in the hope that it […]