How to setup up a Facebook advert to reach a wider audience

You’ve made the first step; you’ve got through the setup process for your business page. You’ve also got your cover and profile pictures looking good. You’ve invited all your friends to ‘like’ the page. You’ve invited all your email contacts to ‘like’ it and you’ve even started to post some good content. But what now? […]
How to manage my social media friends if I divorce

When you consider divorce, you have to develop a mutual understanding with your partner about the process and the settlement. This will include arrangements with your finances, household and material things. One area that is often an afterthought is friends. As a married couple, you will have established personal relationships with people, throughout your life […]
Get more Facebook likes!
As a content marketer, I often find it easier to promote other businesses and brands via social media. Businesses that offer interesting and colourful products can be easier to promote, especially if they are fun products or services that people typically connect with and share with friends. Web design and social media information is not […]