Website basics and best practices – Global Entrepreneurship Week

Social Ant is running a FREE online webinar in Global Entrepreneurship Week (a global celebration of entrepreneurship) on Monday 13th November at 1pm – Website basics and best practices. This will provide a useful introduction to getting started with website design and gathering an understanding of maximising your online presence when it comes to launch. […]
The importance of SEO when building websites

In a world where everything runs around the Internet, online marketing and social media, you might have come across the term SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation. When first building a website, it is necessary to insert valuable SEO elements into its design. This will enable your site to stand out and appear among […]
Why Google+ is the white elephant in the room

Google plus is like the white elephant in the room, so noticeable but many marketers and business owners would rather not mention it. Many individuals have just got their head around how to use Facebook and Twitter for marketing purposes and share key messages about their brand but would rather not get into Google+, as […]
How to keep your social media clean and why it’s important
Since the explosion of social media across many popular platforms, freedom of speech has evolved. We are free to say anything to anyone at anytime without the fear of actually saying it to their face. In the last few years, cyberbullying has been on the increase with people, particularly teenagers being able to send nasty […]
Spring clean your social media
Spring has sprung or may be springing sometime soon in your area. In any case, there’s no better time to do a little spring-cleaning of your business or brand’s social media presence. This may require taking a few minutes out of your busy day to make sure that your social media activity is doing your […]
Pinterest – get pinning this Easter!
If you are thinking of getting started on Pinterest, now is as good a time as any! Especially with Easter coming up and people will be searching for product ideas or gifts. Pinterest has become increasingly popular due to its visually appealing style. Users enjoy the website environment, where they can view beautiful images and […]
Why your business needs to do the Harlem Shake to drive traffic to your website?
The Harlem Shake sounds like an interesting cocktail, well it is in terms of social media. YouTube has been taken over this month with over 40,000 uploads of people doing their version of the Harlem Shake. There aren’t specific rules but going from the original upload – one person dances alone to the electronic music […]
Top 3 reasons why you should not give up social media for Lent!
Lent has begun and there will be a lot of people giving up smoking or other bad habits but could you actually give up using social media? Many people get their daily fix on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube for example, and they feel that if they don’t have a look then they will miss something […]
Get more Facebook likes!
As a content marketer, I often find it easier to promote other businesses and brands via social media. Businesses that offer interesting and colourful products can be easier to promote, especially if they are fun products or services that people typically connect with and share with friends. Web design and social media information is not […]
Digital Marketing – Business Case Studies – Ginger Bakers
This article is part of the ‘Digital Marketing – Business Case Studies’ series from Social Ant. Each interview is useful information for startups and provides an interesting insight into business life. It focuses on how digital and social media marketing is essential in business. Many of us will have filled up on cake over Christmas and some of us may have […]