Predictions for Social Media Marketing in 2023

Social Media Marketing is a fast evolving world and it’s easy to be left behind if you don’t keep yourself abreast of the latest trends and going-ons in this ever changing landscape. Let’s start with the existing Goliath which is: FACEBOOK So lately Facebook (Meta) has gone through a rough period. It’s been around since […]
Social Media Planning in 2022

Social Media Planning takes time and creativity. New Year’s resolutions aren’t for everyone and some people stick to them but others make mini goals along the way. Planning your social media strategy is usually someone on the list but by the end of January, many business owners quickly lose sight of their objectives and social […]
Digital Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism

Digital marketing for hospitality and tourism is crucial for businesses to survive, post pandemic. Covid 19 has sent shockwaves through the world of business and hospitality and tourism has and still is taking a massive hit. Times are turbulent with holidays and trips being booked then cancelled and customers having to go into quarantine and […]
How Your Business Can Use Social Media for Lead Generation

Social media for lead generation is nothing new but done correctly it can enhance your organic reach and save you money on paid advertising. Social media platforms are amazing for increasing brand awareness and engaging with followers but can also be used to generate leads and subsequently sales conversions. When used correctly, social media is […]
Storytelling through Instagram marketing

All social media network’s start with humble beginnings and Instagram is no exception. A simple photo app with some great filters to enhance your images, impress your social circle and boost your Instagram marketing. The company focused on the demand for visual engagement on social media and create a whole network based on images. There […]
How Pinterest marketing can bring in website traffic

Needless to say that in these last 10 years social media have revolutionised our way of promoting, advertising and marketing a multitude of services. When thinking about social media marketing, not everyone knows that, along with the most popular platforms as Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest marketing is often used by global businesses in order to […]
Who is your ideal customer?

The easiest answer to this would be to say anyone could be an ideal customer. This is true for many small businesses but for your marketing to be most effective, it is best to filter down your target audience as much as possible. Many startups begin by spotting a gap in the market, where they […]
The Value of Sharing on Social Media

If you imagine a world without social media websites (quite hard but think 1997) then the word ‘share’ would probably make you think of an everyday decision of whether to share your Twix or not. Sharing is truly about caring – handing something to someone else because you know they will appreciate it and get […]
Social Media posting as part of a healthy lifestyle

These days we’re all aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. We can often over-indulge but the main advice is usually to have everything in moderation. This method can also be applied to social media posting. Often business owners want to tackle it head on, in the hope that it […]
iPad Intermediate Class starts in Edinburgh 11th April – 9th May

IPAD: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 5 WEEK COURSE IN EDINBURGH STARTING ON MON 11TH APRIL TO MON 9TH MAY 2016 10:45AM – 12:45PM Powered by Eventbrite This is following on from the beginners’ course but it is not essential to have already completed the beginners’ course. It will recap on the main functions of the iPad, but […]