How Can Market Research on Social Media Improve Your Business?

Market research plays a fundamental role in the success of a business, although it can be an expensive process. Social media, however, represents an extremely helpful and cost-effective tool that global businesses have started using in these last years to conduct practical and economically convenient research about their target markets and competitors. The majority of […]
5 factors to consider before connecting with a social media audience

All businesses that use social media are attempting to engage with a social media audience who may be interested in their products or services. Some will be more prepared than others but there can be similarities between unrelated businesses. For example, a cake making business and a legal firm may have different content to post […]
Why is social media like gardening?

For the foodies amongst us, gardening is a priority and an opportunity to grow our own food and take pride in its appearance. Gardening takes time and effort but it obviously pays off when we receive comments from the neighbours and we produce lots of scrummy vegetables for mealtimes. This is a big reward, as […]
Facebook’s organic reach is decreasing

Social media is evolving faster than you can say ‘myspace’! The number of users for each popular platform is growing by the second and yet there are still so many people out there who have no idea how to use it or have a ‘technophobia’ when it comes to things digital. It has revolutionised the […]
What can we learn from #NekNomination?

Social media and international news has been dominated with the NekNomination phenomenon in recent months. This internet drinking craze spread via social media and involves someone completing a drinking dare to neck their drink and nominate someone else to go next. The videos are posted online to show off their achievements but the craze has […]
Top 3 reasons why you should not give up social media for Lent!
Lent has begun and there will be a lot of people giving up smoking or other bad habits but could you actually give up using social media? Many people get their daily fix on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube for example, and they feel that if they don’t have a look then they will miss something […]