Predictions for Social Media Marketing in 2023

Social Media Marketing is a fast evolving world and it’s easy to be left behind if you don’t keep yourself abreast of the latest trends and going-ons in this ever changing landscape. Let’s start with the existing Goliath which is: FACEBOOK So lately Facebook (Meta) has gone through a rough period. It’s been around since […]
Storytelling through Instagram marketing

All social media network’s start with humble beginnings and Instagram is no exception. A simple photo app with some great filters to enhance your images, impress your social circle and boost your Instagram marketing. The company focused on the demand for visual engagement on social media and create a whole network based on images. There […]
Who is your ideal customer?

The easiest answer to this would be to say anyone could be an ideal customer. This is true for many small businesses but for your marketing to be most effective, it is best to filter down your target audience as much as possible. Many startups begin by spotting a gap in the market, where they […]
How Can Market Research on Social Media Improve Your Business?

Market research plays a fundamental role in the success of a business, although it can be an expensive process. Social media, however, represents an extremely helpful and cost-effective tool that global businesses have started using in these last years to conduct practical and economically convenient research about their target markets and competitors. The majority of […]
Are you cut out for social media marketing?

The majority of people now use social media everyday with many dipping into it for personal use for an hour or more a day. The main social media platforms make it simple for us to sign up, update our profile and start making new connections but when it comes to managing business pages, there is […]
5 factors to consider before connecting with a social media audience

All businesses that use social media are attempting to engage with a social media audience who may be interested in their products or services. Some will be more prepared than others but there can be similarities between unrelated businesses. For example, a cake making business and a legal firm may have different content to post […]
How can I convert likes into sales?

One of the main questions I get asked about social media management is how to convert likes into sales and followers on your channels into paying customers. People are now very aware of the power of social media and the potential to reach large audiences quickly. However, for a business owner they often need to […]
Are your Facebook & Twitter profiles embracing the new look?

In recent months, you may have noticed a new layout on your Facebook and Twitter profiles. This can initially feel like someone has walked into your house and given it an unwanted 60 minute makeover but as regular social media users will know – this can happen at any time (and is usually for the […]
Facebook’s organic reach is decreasing

Social media is evolving faster than you can say ‘myspace’! The number of users for each popular platform is growing by the second and yet there are still so many people out there who have no idea how to use it or have a ‘technophobia’ when it comes to things digital. It has revolutionised the […]
What can we learn from #NekNomination?

Social media and international news has been dominated with the NekNomination phenomenon in recent months. This internet drinking craze spread via social media and involves someone completing a drinking dare to neck their drink and nominate someone else to go next. The videos are posted online to show off their achievements but the craze has […]