Who is your ideal customer?

The easiest answer to this would be to say anyone could be an ideal customer. This is true for many small businesses but for your marketing to be most effective, it is best to filter down your target audience as much as possible. Many startups begin by spotting a gap in the market, where they […]
Top 6 Social Media Management Tools

It is needless to say that social media have conquered a big portion of our lives. They are not only an amazing way to instantly share our interest, activities and personal experiences with our friends from anywhere in the world, but they are also fantastic systems in terms of marketing. Nowadays there are countless businesses […]
The benefits of social media marketing for restaurants

Social media marketing for restaurants is essential to build a strong online presence and help to morph a brand into a publisher, where the business can build trust with customers and generate genuine interest and respect. This long term plan, should lead to positive recommendations and traditional word of mouth. Who should be responsible for […]
Are your Facebook & Twitter profiles embracing the new look?

In recent months, you may have noticed a new layout on your Facebook and Twitter profiles. This can initially feel like someone has walked into your house and given it an unwanted 60 minute makeover but as regular social media users will know – this can happen at any time (and is usually for the […]
Facebook’s organic reach is decreasing

Social media is evolving faster than you can say ‘myspace’! The number of users for each popular platform is growing by the second and yet there are still so many people out there who have no idea how to use it or have a ‘technophobia’ when it comes to things digital. It has revolutionised the […]
What can we learn from #NekNomination?

Social media and international news has been dominated with the NekNomination phenomenon in recent months. This internet drinking craze spread via social media and involves someone completing a drinking dare to neck their drink and nominate someone else to go next. The videos are posted online to show off their achievements but the craze has […]
Why Google+ is the white elephant in the room

Google plus is like the white elephant in the room, so noticeable but many marketers and business owners would rather not mention it. Many individuals have just got their head around how to use Facebook and Twitter for marketing purposes and share key messages about their brand but would rather not get into Google+, as […]
2014 New Year’s Resolution Number 1: ‘Sort out My Social Media’!

I can write a list of reasons why social media is important for your business. I could even make give 2014 reasons, as it’s a new year. However, Google and social networks are overloaded with social media tips, tricks and tools. This blog post highlights the importance of social media to today’s businesses by highlighting […]
How to setup up a Facebook advert to reach a wider audience

You’ve made the first step; you’ve got through the setup process for your business page. You’ve also got your cover and profile pictures looking good. You’ve invited all your friends to ‘like’ the page. You’ve invited all your email contacts to ‘like’ it and you’ve even started to post some good content. But what now? […]
The perfect Halloween costume for your social media

Business people and entrepreneurs are well aware now that social media is here to stay and cannot be ignored. Every business needs to consider marketing and promotion of their products in some way and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn are ideal for this purpose. The benefit to businesses is that […]