How successful entrepreneurs manage their social media before breakfast.

Before setting your alarm, just before bed at night, consider setting it half an hour earlier. That may mean going to bed a little earlier but it’ll be worth it. Entrepreneurs can be working 24/7 and so sleep is very important, whenever they can manage it. Being organised should also be a top priority. An evening […]
How you can stay lucky on Friday the 13th with social media

Friday the 13th is unlucky for some. Whether you are superstitious or not, when it comes to social media, the number of followers and those engaging with your page is not just down to luck. You may be at the point of giving up on social media posts with the devil in one ear telling […]
How to keep your social media activity light, tight and bright!

For businesses, social media is crucial to engage with their fan base or followers. The tricky part can be to keep your content fresh, interesting and shareable. A simple strategy can be based around 3 basic factors: light, tight and bright. Light: In a digital world of mobile devices and fast-moving information, it is understandable […]
Men Vs Women social media users

Although social media may still seem relatively new to some, it has actually been around for years and is evolving quickly. The question is are you on board and riding the wave of social change, engaging with followers, making new connections and opportunities every day. Interacting with friends and family across long distances has been […]
Overcoming the barriers to using social media for business
As I network with other businesses and discuss social media, I hear the same comments from potential customers. It usually goes something like ‘Oh yea, I need to do my twittering or I need to find some time for that’. The main thing I hear is that businesses realise the need to organise their social […]
How to use a Social Media Surgery to get organised
If you have finally got that Facebook page set up or you have sent your first tweet on Twitter then you’ve made a good start by you are by no means ready for the relentless nature of social media. You may have feel you’ve got the hang of it and even have a good number […]
How to keep your social media clean and why it’s important
Since the explosion of social media across many popular platforms, freedom of speech has evolved. We are free to say anything to anyone at anytime without the fear of actually saying it to their face. In the last few years, cyberbullying has been on the increase with people, particularly teenagers being able to send nasty […]
Spring clean your social media
Spring has sprung or may be springing sometime soon in your area. In any case, there’s no better time to do a little spring-cleaning of your business or brand’s social media presence. This may require taking a few minutes out of your busy day to make sure that your social media activity is doing your […]
Pinterest – get pinning this Easter!
If you are thinking of getting started on Pinterest, now is as good a time as any! Especially with Easter coming up and people will be searching for product ideas or gifts. Pinterest has become increasingly popular due to its visually appealing style. Users enjoy the website environment, where they can view beautiful images and […]
Why your business needs to do the Harlem Shake to drive traffic to your website?
The Harlem Shake sounds like an interesting cocktail, well it is in terms of social media. YouTube has been taken over this month with over 40,000 uploads of people doing their version of the Harlem Shake. There aren’t specific rules but going from the original upload – one person dances alone to the electronic music […]