The Essential Guide to Event Marketing

Are you planning a big event? In addition to arranging the actual event, it’s also essential to have a proper event marketing strategy. A low attendance rate is every event marketer’s nightmare. To avoid this happening and guarantee a sell-out event, it’s important to develop an event marketing strategy that creates hype and drives conversions. […]
How Your Business Can Use Social Media for Lead Generation

Social media for lead generation is nothing new but done correctly it can enhance your organic reach and save you money on paid advertising. Social media platforms are amazing for increasing brand awareness and engaging with followers but can also be used to generate leads and subsequently sales conversions. When used correctly, social media is […]
Crowdfunding 101: The Guide for Getting Started

What is Crowdfunding? Crowdfunding, most simply defined, is an alternative source of funding for SMEs (small to medium enterprises) and local community projects. Instead of securing funding through traditional methods, such as bank loans, it allows SMEs to secure funding through private individuals (“the crowd”). This means that companies that would otherwise be unable to […]
How to grow brand awareness using YouTube marketing

There’s no doubt about how popular YouTube has become. It began as a site for crazy videos of cats and people falling over in hilarious ways but many business owners now use YouTube marketing effectively to build brand awareness and connect with key audiences. YouTube has fundamentally changed the way we watch TV and many […]
The scarily accurate impact of Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising has made a big impact on business sales since it was introduced. Facebook is still the major social network with 1 in 7 people in the world using it. As the platform has evolved, the advertising and business manager options available to business owners has adapted to meet the user needs significantly. Facebook […]
Storytelling through Instagram marketing

All social media network’s start with humble beginnings and Instagram is no exception. A simple photo app with some great filters to enhance your images, impress your social circle and boost your Instagram marketing. The company focused on the demand for visual engagement on social media and create a whole network based on images. There […]
How Pinterest marketing can bring in website traffic

Needless to say that in these last 10 years social media have revolutionised our way of promoting, advertising and marketing a multitude of services. When thinking about social media marketing, not everyone knows that, along with the most popular platforms as Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest marketing is often used by global businesses in order to […]
How to make your business shine with Snapchat marketing

Social media has become a primary tool to conduct engaging marketing activities in these last 10 years. Among the various social media platforms, used by global companies as well as by small to medium-sized businesses, there is a popular app, which in these last couple of years has been a real hit in the online […]
The importance of SEO when building websites

In a world where everything runs around the Internet, online marketing and social media, you might have come across the term SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation. When first building a website, it is necessary to insert valuable SEO elements into its design. This will enable your site to stand out and appear among […]
Who is your ideal customer?

The easiest answer to this would be to say anyone could be an ideal customer. This is true for many small businesses but for your marketing to be most effective, it is best to filter down your target audience as much as possible. Many startups begin by spotting a gap in the market, where they […]